Payment and Delivery
Methods of payment:
COD (Cash on delivery):
Standard payment method for national orders send to spanish mainland and balear islands. This payment mode can not used for international orders.
This is simple safe and covenient for you without any extra cost. For all national and international orders.
We offer flatrate delivery as followed:
Spain mainland, Balear islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla 4.90 EUR per order
Portugal 9.80 EUR per order
Europe (EEC countries) 15.90 EUR per order
EUROPE (non EEC countries) 19.80 EUR per order
Rest of the world 39.80 EUR per order
Please notice:
Every order will result in shipping-cost, no matter if you order few or may items. No shipment will be transport-fee free.
The average runtime inside Spain is 1-2 labourdays.
The average runtime to foreign countries varies from 5-40 labourdays, depending on the destination.
Due to specific conditions in the land of the distination (holidays, weather-conditions, legal conditions) delays can occur and cannot be influenced by Cascos BANDIT. Cascos BANDITcannot guarantee that the parcel will arrive in time. The shipping-companies themselves do not guarantee the delivery within the standard-runtime, unless you do not order additional service performances.
Special shipping-performances can be ordered, resulting in additional freight-cost, such as EXPRESS-shipments our courier services. The cost and the equivalent conditions can be asked droping a line to